October 1, 2009

3 Health Store Leaflets for 3 Weeks to Save Health Freedom

 This is an article giving alot of information about your rights and how to petition them! Please take action for what you care about, otherwise we wont have a choice anymore.

Natural Solutions Foundation
2009 Legislative Educational Agenda
1. Food Freedom
2. Self-Shielding
3. Legislative Education
Three Weeks to Save Health Freedom:
Three Health Store / community Leaflets for Three Weeks to Save Health Freedom
As Mark Twain is alleged to have opined, “No Man’s Life Liberty or Property is Safe…While the Legislature is in Session” – and certainly no person’s health freedom and food freedom are safe either. Well, Congress is not in session at the moment, and we have about three weeks to educate our representatives while they are home. And as you may have noticed in the media, they are hearing “it” from their constituents!
Please attend any “town hall meetings” held by your representatives. Let them know that your personal health freedom is as important an issue the “health care” debate, which is really mostly about who will pay for conventional medical treatment, and how will it be rationed. To the contrary, we’re concerned about Natural Solutions, so we need to concentrate on protecting people from toxic drugs (including vaccines) and from toxic foods as well. Our agenda is not the same as the agenda being portrayed on the mass media. The 3 Leaflets have bullet point information for you to use in educating your representatives about our Health Freedom Agenda.
Thus the focus of our Three Weeks Campaign needs to be educating decision makers, but also educating the concerned public — people who “get it.” We understand that Health Freedom is Our First Freedom. Therefore, we invite you to help us, by printing the three Health Food Store Leaflets attached to this blog entry and posting them at your local health food store, food co-op or similar commercial or public venue and posting them. Please print and copy as many as you can. Please re-post them on the Internet. We need to make these posters GO VIRAL!
More about the Three Weeks Campaign: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=3209
Please use the links below to support each of the three themes of the campaign.
Those themes are:
1. Stop the Fake (sic) “Food Safety” Bill in the US Senate!
One Page Leaflet Link: http://www.lifespirit.org/FoodSafetyBills-leafletFINAL.pdf
Action Item: http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/t/1128/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=26714
2. Support Self-Shielding in the Event of an Actual Pandemic
Two Page Leaflet Link: http://www.lifespirit.org/Self-Shielding-Leafletfinal.pdf
One Page Leaflet Link: http://www.lifespirit.org/StayHomeStayAlive-bulletptfinal.pdf
Action Item: http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=27275
3. Support the Natural Solutions 2009 Legislative Educational Agenda;
Support Dr. Ron Paul’s Health Freedom Proposals

One Page Leaflet Link: http://www.lifespirit.org/2009-Legislative-Agenda-final.pdf
Action Item: http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=27732
And don’t forget our new Food Freedom eJournal –
As always, it is your generous, repeated donations that makes all this effort possible. Please help us again to protect your Health, your Food and your Freedom.
Donations: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?page_id=189

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